Monday, October 4, 2010

Top 10 Things to Remember about Allston Basement Shows:

1. Respect the space. People are allowing you to come into their home, and essentially trash it. All for the love of music. Treat the space like you'd want to treat your own home. That means, putting your trash in the recycling bin, not smoking inside (unless specified), and not leaving your stuff everywhere.

2. Do not post the addresses, phone numbers, or other identifying information about the house or the people who own it. This will cause the show to be cancelled. Nobody wants that to happen, especially not the people who own the house. So don't do it.

3. Respect the people around you. Just 'cause you think someones shirt is lame, or you don't agree with some of the politics they're spouting doesn't mean that you need to harrass them about it. Just walk on by.

4. Give appreciation to the bands playing. These bands come out of the woodwork and are playing for your own personal appreciation. The least you can do, even if you don't like their stuff, is give them a clap. If you don't like the music, don't boo or anything, just walk up the stairs to the party on the first floor.

5. BYOB. If you drink, don't expect beers to be provided to you. That's just rude. Bring your own.

6. Dress appropriately. If you're going to a hardcore show, don't wear a dress and flip-flops. Or, if you do, don't complain when they get totally ruined. Basement shows are nothing at all like venue shows.

7. Bring money for a potential cover. As with the BYOB, don't assume that the show is going to be free. A lot of the time the people who own the house give the money to one of the bands that's touring so that they can have money to get gas to their next stop.

8. Make Friends. Don't just stand there in the corner like a wall flower. People don't bite--go and talk to some of them. Maybe, if you're lucky, they'll tell you where the next show is.

9. Pass on the word. This means that if you enjoy the show, and you find out where the next one is, or you pick up a flier at the Allston Cafe bring a friend. Spread the love!

10. Have fun. Dance. Make a mess. Drink some beer. Enjoy yourself.

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